Our proposals
We are bringing forward detailed plans to deliver new residential development on land off Orton Lane, Wombourne.
The planning application is being prepared to accord with the emerging South Staffs Local Plan and it is intended that it will be determined at the point of adoption of the plan. The site forms part of a wider parcel of land proposed for housing in the emerging Local Plan.
The proposals will include the:
Delivery of 32 homes in a sustainable location including 10 affordable homes
Retention and enhancement of existing landscaping features around the site
Improved cycle and pedestrian connectivity through the site
This plan sets out our proposals for how the site could be developed for around 32 dwellings. We are keen to hear your views on the proposed layout, which you can do by leaving feedback on our Have Your Say page.
Delivering new homes
The development will provide 32 homes, featuring a mix of houses and bungalows ranging from 2–5 bedrooms properties
68% of the market units are made up of 2- and 3-bedroom homes, the increased supply of which is required as identified within the emerging Local Plan and ensures the development is not dominated by larger house types in a disproportionate manner – only 32% of the market units are 4+ bed units. Providing smaller residential units for young families and older people wishing to downsize will free up family sized accommodation elsewhere in community.
The affordable housing mix is also compliant with emerging policy, with 50% of them being for social rent, with the remaining 50% being split between first homes and shared ownership. This will ensure the proposals are meeting an identified and specific affordable housing need.
A range of housing options that meet the varied needs of the South Staffordshire community will therefore be provided, including family homes, bungalows and houses ideal for first time buyers
New homes will be set back from the site’s boundaries with existing neighbours, the heights of the homes would be predominantly two storeys but also include for some bungalows.
Meeting Specialist Housing Need
Given the increasingly ageing population within the area, which is higher than the national average - the proposal for this site includes bungalows. As they get older, a majority of people prefer to live in single-story properties within neighbourhoods that have good amenities and public transport links like Wombourne.
Improved pedestrian and cycle route
The proposed new homes will not have a significant impact on the highway network given the smaller number of homes on the site.
To reduce dependency on the private car, a pedestrian/cycle route is proposed along the northern edge of the site to allow for and encourage easier walking and cycling connectivity with the rest of the site.
Safe and convenient access.
Providing new landscaping
The homes will be set within an improved and enhanced landscape that will include additional tree planting along the primary access routes to the site and areas of open space offering dual benefits of visual amenity and biodiversity net gains.
High Quality Sustainable Design
The proposals have been designed to assimilate into the existing site context and surrounding development, drawing key influence from the existing built form and character of the area/local vernacular. This has ensured that a high-quality development is proposed, which reflects the local area but also creates its own sense of place and identity.
Bespoke house types are proposed which use a mixed pallete of complimentary materials to ensure there is variety and visual interest within the proposals and that they remain attractive throughout the lifetime of the development.
New homes will incorporate energy efficiency and sustainability measures – to reduce overall energy requirements futureproof them against future climate change impacts.